48483 is the second of three new resin accessory sets for the General
Dynamics F-16 'Fighting Falcon'.
follow-on set from Cutting Edge's 48482 F-16A Parapack Tail conversion
set, this set is essentially the same with the exception that it has a
–C standard fin base and vertical stabiliser with different sensor

with the previous set, Cutting Edge has provided both a parachute and
'black box' with the set to reflect usage by North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation (NATO) users.
set provides five resin parts in all, five of them in the mid-grey resin
that we are used to seeing from Cutting Edge, with the final part in
clear resin. The parts are:
The parabrake housing tail (cast as a
one-piece base and vertical stabiliser).
Parachute pack (to fit inside the
ECM 'black box'.
Tail mounted floodlight.
Strobe light lens (cast in clear
casting is well up to Cutting Edge's very high standards with no mis-casts,
pinholes or warps. The parts exhibit fine engraved panel line detail,
the leading and trailing edges of the vertical stabiliser are straight
and sharp, and the vents on the base of the vertical stabiliser have
been cast with open.
with the first set in this series, Cutting Edge has not provided any
instructions at all but I guess that if you are intending on purchasing
the conversion, you would already know enough about the machine you
intend to model not to need any!
smaller parts have been cast together and share the same pour plug. The
plug incorporates extra resin as a means of protecting the smaller parts
in transit. The parts are contained in a clear plastic zip-loc bag
which is stapled to Cutting Edge's familiar black and yellow header
is a well produced product from Cutting Edge.
Thanks to Meteor Productions for the review samples.
Cutting Edge Modelworks products are available from
Meteor Productions Website
Text and Images Copyright © 2006 by
Rodger Kelly
Page Created 13 March, 2006
Last updated 12 March, 2006
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