Phantom FG.1 / FGR.2
1/32 Scale Conversion &
Decal Preview
Cutting Edge Modelworks
HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor
Dave Klaus from Meteor Productions has
provided the following information about an exciting forthcoming
conversion and accompanying markings:
Here is some information on our upcoming 1/32 scale
Phantom FG.1/FGR.2 conversion for the Tamiya F-4J kit.
The master conversion was made by Dr Frank Mitchell of Atlanta, Georgia.
Frank previously published an internet article on the massive work
required to complete his conversion. We've used Frank's parts except for
the lower wing. The wing on our set will have the normal Phantom
wingspan, something that Frank chose not to do when he built this
conversion for himself. This is a HUGE conversion that includes a new
fuselage top (cast the same way as the Tamiya F-4J fuselage), a new
lower wing/fuselage part (cast the same way as the Tamiya F-4J), new
larger intakes with seamless interior trunking, new inboard upper wing
parts (to accommodate the wider fuselage), fin cap RWR, new nose gear
strut for the FG.1, and of course the huge new Spey engine nozzles,
along with many more parts. Even with all these parts, it is a
conversion and will require quite a few of the Tamiya F-4J parts.
Ten jets below will be covered by our Cutting Edge decals to be released
concurrently or slightly later than the conversion itself.
Pricing has not been set at this time, nor has the exact release date
(which will be soon). I will notify you when and as the sets become
available. We will also email our customer base when the sets are
available. I suspect that we'll only make about 200 of these sets since
they're such a big, time consuming conversion to produce.
A couple of notes about this decal artwork.
Please note, it is not complete; we expect to finish it in the next few
The RN 892 Sqn
"Colonial Navy" bird will include full non-zapped Royal Navy
markings, including both the Queen's Jubilee "77" and the later 892
Sq crest for the nose swoosh. Also note that the nose swooshes on
the 892 birds were individualized and each jet was slightly
different. We've done XV590/001 because that's the bird that got the
full "Colonial Navy" treatment by US Navy personnel during
cross-decking operations on a US carrier.
The 19 Sqn
sharkmouth was applied with chalk or grease pencil just before this
jet returned to the UK for repaint. The sharkmouth and "Phantom II"
cartoon will be supplied in the form of decals printed in the PYN-up
Decals printing process for maximum realism. This jet can of course
be built without the self-applied zaps if wished to portray an
earlier version, and we also include the "481" for the fin RWR for
an even earlier incarnation.
You'll note the absence of my favorite Phantom of
all time, the A&AEE "Raspberry Ripple" jet. That plane had a
non-standard radome that we don't have time to make right now; look for
it as a POSSIBLE future option with decals if there is enough interest.
Obviously there is much more information on each of these jets
available, and the decal instructions will go through those details.
Thanks to Cutting
Edge Modelworks for the preview information
Cutting Edge Modelworks products
can be viewed & purchased at Meteor Productions
Images and Information Copyright © 2004 Meteor
This Page Created on 19 December, 2005
Last updated
19 December, 2005
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