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Instrument Dial Decals
Luftwaffe & RAF/FAA
1/32 scale




S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number, Description and Price:

D32002 Luftwaffe Instruments £1.75
D32006 RAF/FAA Instruments £1.75

all available online from MDC's Website

Scale: 1/32
Contents and Media: Each set includes one small decal sheet plus instructions
Review Type: FirstLook and FirstUse
Advantages: Excellent detail; ideal for the new generation of large-scale models; well printed; minimal carrier film; printed in black and white (no pre-painting behind decal required)
Recommendation: Recommended

Reviewed by Brett Green

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com




When MDC released their excellent 1/32 scale cockpits for Hasegawa's Messerschmitt Bf 109 and Fw 190 kits, they included decals to be applied to flat dials representing individual instruments. This was a very convincing and detailed method for creating instruments.

MDC has now released a series of decals for Luftwaffe and RAF/FAA instruments that can be used on a wide range of 1/32 scale German and British aircraft subjects. The decals are crisply rendered and well detailed.

Each decal set includes instructions that indicate the specific type of instrument.

In addition to the instruments, MDC supplies ten data plate decals on the Luftwaffe sheet for use inside and outside the cockpit.

The decals themselves are well printed with an absolute minimum of carrier film, so no trimming will be required. The decals are printed with black ink for the dial and white for the needles and increments, so you will not need to paint a backing colour on the instrument panel dial positions.

I tested the decals on the instrument pane from Hasegawa's recent 1/32 scale Fw 190A-8. I applied the decals straight over the top of the raised detail on the plastic dials and the decals settled down nicely, responding well to a coat of Gunze Mr Mark Softer.

MDC's instrument decals are simple yet very effective, and will be especially useful in these larger scales.


Thanks to MDC for the review sample

Images and Text Copyright 2004 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 21 July, 2004
Last updated 21 July, 2004

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