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Su-27 Nose Correction
for Trumpeter Su-27 Flanker




Zactomodels, 1/32 scale


S u m m a r y
Catalogue Number : We’re guessing 3202
Price: Unconfirmed however likely to be in the area of $17.00 - $20.00
Scale: 1/32
Contents and Media: 1 resin radome and a couple of pitot tubes
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Corrects the slightly short radome
Disadvantages: Unconfirmed, however if you find one please let me know.
Recommendation: Highly Recommended


Reviewed by Jay Laverty

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com




A Two Edged Sword

As long as I have used after-market accessories I have always felt that there was a irony to using them. On the one hand they are an excellent and simple way to correct and improve your models but the other side of the coin is they point out just how much better some guys are at modelling than I. And this is no exception.

Chris Wilson aka. “Zactoman” blew me away a few weeks ago when I received my Zactomodels canopy correction through the post. The skill that went into that set was obvious and it is equally apparent here.

Careful measurement and comparison to 1/32 scale plans reveal that the nose is a total of 9mm short, thus giving the radome and incorrect diameter and will require a plug to correct it.



Enter Zactomodels correction. As is evidenced from the pictures the correction accurately addresses the issue of the lengths and also allows for the antennae to be attached to the underside of the radome, using plastic strip.


Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:

In pictures the pitot tubes are shown in metal, but these are the masters and I should point out that the ones in my set are resin. I imagine two have been included to compensate for breakage during transport. Also included are two lengths of Microstrip with which to make the underside antennae. Nice one Chris!

At the moment the price of the set is undecided and in my opinion this is the only aspect of the set that anyone could find fault in when it is released. Depending on what the production costs are it could end up in the $20.00 USD area. I personally would have no problem with this but I could easily understand why people would be reluctant to pay this much.

As with the canopy correction I highly recommend this set to anyone wanting to seriously enhance their model.

Highly Recommended.

Thanks to Zactomodels for the review sample

Orders can be placed through the Zactomodels website, which should be operational very shortly
and can be found here

Review Copyright © 2005 by Jay Laverty
Drawings from Sergey Archakov a.k.a. Kasatka
Page Created 22 April, 2005
Last updated 29 April, 2005

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