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F6F-3 Hellcat Cockpit



True Details


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Description: 49011 - F6F-3 Hellcat Cockpit
Scale: 1/48
Price: USD$8.97 from Squadron's website
Contents and Media: Twelve parts in cream coloured resin
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Superior detail compared to kit parts; high quality resin castings; moulded on harness; good instructions; low price.
Disadvantages: Shoulder harness does not loop over seat mount; packaging does not protect the parts
Recommendation: Recommended.


Reviewed by Rodger Kelly

True Details' 1/48 scale F6F-3 cockpit is available online from Squadron.com


F i r s t   L o o k

True Details 49011 is another in the series of KMC re-issues.

This set provides the modeler with 12 resin pieces designed to replace the majority of plastic cockpit parts for the superb 1/48 scale Hasegawa F6F-3 Grumman Hellcat.

One of the problems with the earlier resin cockpit sets was that they were merely the kit parts with addition detailing cast in resin. Happily, this is not the case with this set as the parts are far better.

All parts are crisply cast in a very light tan coloured resin that is reminiscent of the old AeroMaster resin conversions. There are no pinholes and flash is minimal in my sample. There is a clear definition between the casting blocks and the parts themselves which will make the separation task a breeze.

The seat has been cast with the belts in place which is fine for the lap belts but not for the shoulder belts as they passed over the top of the seats frame rather than the rear of the seat's back. True Details previously issued a F6F-3 interior set under their own label (and a -5 set too). The seat from this set had the correct belt placement and I wonder why they didn't replace the KMC one with their own.

Instructions are in the form of a small sheet that shows the "how to" as well identifying the parts themselves in the form of line drawings.

The set comes packed in a plastic bag with a cardboard header. This form of packaging leaves the parts floating free in the bag. It allows them to jumble together and really is a recipe for disaster given that a lot of modelers rely on mail order for their supplies.

In summary, thus is a nice set overall. Despite my comments about the seat and the packaging, it is still recommended.


Review Text and Images Copyright © 2004 by Rodger Kelly
Page Created 07 June, 2004
Last updated 07 June, 2004

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